Goals before POLR’s Launch
There are a few goals that need to be done before POLR can officially launch. This roadmap outlines all the goals that need to be done.
#1 Application MVP – COMPLETED
Create the POLR application to a minimum viable product (MVP) stage such that the application covers all potential bases of what is required from the application specifically (and from apps generally).
Also, we want to make it near perfect for the soft launch so only a few minor refinements are needed.
#2 QA Testing – CURRENT
Once an MVP is created it will need to be tested against test case scripts to ensure the application works as intended without any issues or bugs
#3 Waiting List
Create a list of customers who will want to use the application so that from launch we can have some form of a revenue stream.
Furthermore, we want to create a list of workers (nationwide) to join the application so we have workers ready from launch to fulfil customers’ orders
#3 Beta testing / Soft Launch
Test the MVP against customers and workers to see how they feel about the application and what they like and do not like.
#4 Marketing Plan
Create a cost-effective marketing plan for the public (for both customers and workers)
#5 Application Refinement
Create a refinement plan (off of the feedback received from the testing) to then take back to the MVP and improve it
#6 Main Launch
Launch the refined MVP of POLR to the public for use
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